Private Security Organizations and Detective Agencies Act (Wpbr)
The Private Security Organizations and Detective Agencies Act (Wet particuliere beveiligingsorganisaties en recherchebureaus or Wpbr) regulates the activities of security organizations and detective agencies in the Netherlands. To carry out security activities, these organizations must have a license, which is registered under the ND number.
E&D Security holds a valid license, registered under the ND number ND6116, and thereby complies with the rules established in the Private Security Organizations and Detective Agencies Act (Wet particuliere beveiligingsorganisaties en recherchebureaus or Wpbr) and the Regulation and Policy Rules for Private Security Organizations and Detective Agencies (Regeling en Beleidsregels particuliere beveiligingsorganisaties en recherchebureaus or Rpbr en Bpbr). This ensures that you can be confident that we operate in a responsible and professional manner.
SBB training company
E&D Security is a recognized training company according to the Training Company ID 100725978 from SBB. As a recognized training company, we set an example for the industry and emphasize the importance of training new professionals. We are proud to contribute to the development of the next generation of professionals in our field. |